Stone Aggregates
#57 Stone
Size: 1” and down in size evenly graded with decreasing volume of fines.
Use: Commonly used bedding & backfill material for storm water, sanitary sewer, backfill of retaining walls, and base material for slabs, driveways, basements, garage floors, and sidewalks.
Benefits: Due to its great drainage characteristics this product is one the most requested.
Use: Commonly used bedding & backfill material for storm water, sanitary sewer, backfill of retaining walls, and base material for slabs, driveways, basements, garage floors, and sidewalks.
Benefits: Due to its great drainage characteristics this product is one the most requested.
Driveway Mix
Size: A customized mix of 3/4″, 1/2″ and Crusher Run
Use: For driveways; can also be used as parking lot and road base.
Benefits: Masterblend comprised of Crusher Run with 3/4″ & 1/2″ mixed together to create a crusher run type material with a larger volume of bigger stone allowing for greater compaction and less erosion.
Use: For driveways; can also be used as parking lot and road base.
Benefits: Masterblend comprised of Crusher Run with 3/4″ & 1/2″ mixed together to create a crusher run type material with a larger volume of bigger stone allowing for greater compaction and less erosion.
Crusher Run
Size: 1” and down in size with dust.
Use: For driveways, brick/patio paver base; can also be used as parking lot and road base.
Benefits: Evenly graded with sizes ranging from 1” to dust that compacts easily forming a dense and durable surface.
Use: For driveways, brick/patio paver base; can also be used as parking lot and road base.
Benefits: Evenly graded with sizes ranging from 1” to dust that compacts easily forming a dense and durable surface.
Pug Mix
Use: Road base, backfill, driveway, soil stabilization. Pug Mix is a good alternative to concrete and asphalt. Pug is a mix of sand, gravel, lime powder, and water. Using Pug Mix for roads or driveways results in smooth, hard gravel that will last.
#4 Crusher Run
Size: 1.5” and down in size with dust.
Use: For new driveways, construction entrances, access roads and constructions sites, it’s large pieces of rock has high load bearing properties.
Benefits: An economical solution that can help with soil stabilization and it has good compaction ability
Use: For new driveways, construction entrances, access roads and constructions sites, it’s large pieces of rock has high load bearing properties.
Benefits: An economical solution that can help with soil stabilization and it has good compaction ability
#24 Crusher Run
Size: 1” - 2.5" and down in size with dust.
Use: For new driveways, construction entrances, access roads and constructions sites, it’s large pieces of rock has high load bearing properties.
An economical solution that can help with soil stabilization and it has good compaction ability
Use: For new driveways, construction entrances, access roads and constructions sites, it’s large pieces of rock has high load bearing properties.
An economical solution that can help with soil stabilization and it has good compaction ability
#8 Stone
Size: between 3/8” and ½” that has been washed.
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios.
Very easy to work by hand.
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios.
Very easy to work by hand.
#9 Stone
Size: approximately 3/8" down in size evenly graded.
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios.
Very easy to work by hand.
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios.
Very easy to work by hand.
#89 Stone
Size: Mix of #8 stone and #9 stone
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios
Very easy to work by hand.
Use: Used in paver applications, suitable for asphalt and concrete, backfill material around pipe, excellent product for use under concrete patios
Very easy to work by hand.
#10 Screening
Size: 3/8” and down in size with dust.
Use: Used as a leveling base, backfill material around pipe and in horse arenas, barns and training rings.
This is one of our most economical materials that can be used in multiple applications.
Use: Used as a leveling base, backfill material around pipe and in horse arenas, barns and training rings.
This is one of our most economical materials that can be used in multiple applications.
#7 Stone
Size: 1/2” and down in size evenly graded with decreasing volume of fines.
Use: Commonly used as pipe bedding & drain fields
Use: Commonly used as pipe bedding & drain fields
#4 Stone
Size: 1.5"
Use: Septic Stone. Special build driveways, Heavy Drainage, Erosion Control. Helps provide support for heavy vehicles.
Use: Septic Stone. Special build driveways, Heavy Drainage, Erosion Control. Helps provide support for heavy vehicles.
#24 Stone
Size: 1" - 2.5"
Use: Septic Stone. Special build driveways, Heavy Drainage, Erosion Control. Helps provide support for heavy vehicles.
Use: Septic Stone. Special build driveways, Heavy Drainage, Erosion Control. Helps provide support for heavy vehicles.
Rip Rap
Size: 6” – 12” in size this material is used primarily in erosion control.
Use: You will typically see Rip Rap lining ditches, drainage areas, embankments, erosion control swales & check dams and even occasional as a landscaping aid.
* CLASS A, B, C availble upon request.
Use: You will typically see Rip Rap lining ditches, drainage areas, embankments, erosion control swales & check dams and even occasional as a landscaping aid.
* CLASS A, B, C availble upon request.
Shot Rock
Size: With large pieces of rock 2’ - 3’ in size, this material is the result of blasting the rock in a quarry. It’s sizes will vary from large to small.
Use: Bedding in new roads, storm drainage, bedding material for culverts at creek crossings, soft farm roads, and even the occasional landscaping project. Erosion control.
Use: Bedding in new roads, storm drainage, bedding material for culverts at creek crossings, soft farm roads, and even the occasional landscaping project. Erosion control.
Yellow Mason Sand
Use: Mortar for decorative stone, brick and block construction. The natural composition of our sand is used internationally in the manufacturing of ceramic tile. Above ground swimming pools are also installed over a bed of masonry sand.
Grey Mason Sand
Use: Mason sand is a fine graded sand that can be used as an infill between cracks of pavers, fill material, paver base, beach sand, sandbox material and leveling agent.
White Mason Sand
Use: Mason sand is a fine graded sand that can be used as an infill between cracks of pavers, fill material, paver base, beach sand, sandbox material and leveling agent.
Manufactured Sand
Size: Mfg sand is limestone that has been crushed down to a very small size.
Use: Mfg Sand is used in pavers and an ingredient for making concrete, leveling base for pavers, backfill material around pipe and in horse arenas – barns – training rings and makes a good bedding for small livestock pens. It is easy to rake and can be used in multiple applications
Use: Mfg Sand is used in pavers and an ingredient for making concrete, leveling base for pavers, backfill material around pipe and in horse arenas – barns – training rings and makes a good bedding for small livestock pens. It is easy to rake and can be used in multiple applications
Soils & Fills
Screened Topsoil
Topsoil is perfect for gardening, growing a lawn, or planting trees.
Screened topsoil has been processed through a screener that removes any oversized rocks and sticks. Unscreened topsoil is excavated from the earth and delivered in the same state that it was removed.
Screened topsoil has been processed through a screener that removes any oversized rocks and sticks. Unscreened topsoil is excavated from the earth and delivered in the same state that it was removed.
Baseball Infield Mix
High-quality, screened clay and sand mix used to construct new infields or raise low infields
Clay Fill Dirt
Fill dirt consists of a mixture of broken down rocks, sand and clay. It contains little fertility for plants to grow, or any organic matter. There are still many reasons you would want to select fill dirt for your project. Topsoil contains organic matter and is likely to shift or settle over time. If you are looking for filler then fill dirt will provide a more stable material.
Brown Shale
Economical, stable fill material
Gray Slate
Economical, stable fill material
Agricultural Lime
Lime is a soil conditioner and controls the soil acidity by neutralizing the effects of acids from nitrogen, fertilizer, slurry and high rainfall. Other benefits include an increase in earthworm activity, improvement in soil structure and grass is more palatable to livestock.
An above-ground dressing for decoration, moisture control, weed control, erosion control, temperature control
Mushroom Compost
A rich organic material to improve plant growth in poor or marginal soils - improve the structure of clay soils, reduce surface crusting and compaction, improve drainage, increase beneficial soil microbial activity, and provide nutrients to plants.